
Mission Moments


--- CFF Missions Committee

August was another busy month for missions. We had our missionaries, Ildefonso and Lisbia Ramirez, from Culiacan, Mexico come for a visit. We collected over $400 in a love offering to help them with their travel expenses.

We also enjoyed a video celebrating the first 20 years of Climbing for Christ and the work they do in some of the hardest places to reach in the world! If you did not see the video on August 25th, or had trouble hearing it, you can go to the web site at: climbing4christ.org . It is called The History of C4C, Twentyfold. It is a very well done and informative video, so please check it out!

Please pray for all our missionaries, but especially those serving in dangerous places: James and Cheryl Cloyd in France, Mark Waite in Cameroon, Ildefonso and Lisbia in Mexico, and the Almendarez family in Honduras.

Loaves and Fishes theme for September will be: Peanut butter, jelly, soup, and various kinds of crackers. Of course, anything and everything is greatly appreciated!

The next meeting of the Mission Team will be Monday, September 23rd at 6:00 pm in the library. This is a change from the usual 3rd Monday schedule for meetings.